Monday, February 7, 2011

VMT video

Some smart person said, 'do what you love, love what you do'. It's a philosophy I have taken to heart, and something that I chant over and over to myself neurotically while scooping my dog's poop off the uptrack, digging out stuck snowmobiles, sponging pubic hairs off the sauna floor and other tasks that spell G-L-A-M-O-R-O-U-S (or glamoUrous if you are Canadian, which obviously Fergie is not).

Anyway, a few weeks back had an absolutely magical week of "work" at Valhalla Mountain Touring. Minimal 'glamour' maximum good times with great snow, great food and an awesome mix of guests who came from far away, exotic lands like Barrie, Ontario and Anchorage, AK to sample the Selkirk Powdeur.

One of the guests, Skai Dalziel, is the owner of Whistler Tasting Tours and put together this sweet video from the week.

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